As the second day of our project began, everyone got into serious work. All our activities took place at the Vilnius University’s library, which means that the studying aura was all around us. Each delegation presented the e-commerce in their home countries and shared some interesting ideas for new apps. Equally important was the workshop of creating the actual mobile applications which showed us that the realisations of our thoughts can be reached quite easily. By dividing into six groups and taking the roles of project managers, programmers, designers and testers, we started working on our ideas to come to life. As we could not finish them in just few hours, we came back there the day after. The first hour was spent listening to one of the most successful e-commerce businesses in Lithuania – “Bolt” – representative’s speech. It sure gave us the motivation for the whole day of continuing our work. After some more time we were happy to finally present our products to the teachers who were undoubtedly impressed. It was fun to attend an actually interesting workshop, even for those who do not find the IT area attractive. In conclusion, probably every one of us took some knowledge and lovely memories from these two days at the library of the Vilnius University. Saulė Augustinaitė
The learning and working part of the journey