Vasario 25- kovo 2 dienomis Erasmus projektu ,,Better professional life” lankėmės Rumunijos mieste Satu Mare Liceul Teoretic german Johann Ettinger mokykloje vykdydami tarptautinio Erasmus+ projekto ,,Better professional life” numatytas veiklas. Su mumis projekte kartu dalyvavo Italijos, Lenkijos, Turkijos ir Rumunijos…
Kategorija: Veiklos
The last day of our visit, we started it by ending our group works and presenting the idea of our business in front of investor, it was beneficial for us because we had ability to overcome our fears and to…
Our day started from the trip to the Baia Mare where we got to see the beautiful and unique Merry cemetery, which is part of UNESCO heritage. After we paid a visit there, our trip continued with the memorial museum…
Yesterday was a special day for our project ,,Better professional life” because we got to see the practical side of our project, we visited company ,,Polipol”. This company design and make products for Germany’s market. It was entertaining to have…
We started our day with the workshops in groups where we had to negotiate the business idea and the steps to be followed to reach the destination- establishing the business. What was a great help and at the same time…
Yesterday, on February 25th we started our project visit at Johann Etinger German Theoretical Highschool in Satu Mare, Romania. There we met the delegations of Polish, Italian, Romanian and Turkish schools. We made a lot of friends and bonded our…