On the 4th of June Lithuanian Erasmus+ project „Better professional life“ team members Justina Puslytė, Evita Bortkevičiūtė, Pija Gadonaitė participated in regional conference „Project – the possibility to learn in different way“ in Nemenčinė Gediminas gymnasium. Students gave presentation about…
Autorius: BPL
DAUGIAU, NEI TIKĖTASI IŠ ERASMUS+ PROJEKTO MOBILUMO VEIKLŲ Gegužės 13 – 17 dienomis dalyvavome „Erasmus+“ projekto „Better Professional Life“ tarptautinėse mokymosi veiklose. Šįkart jos vyko Italijoje, Montenero di Bisaccia miestelyje. Jau pirmąją dieną susipažinome su italų, turkų, rumunų ir lenkų…
In the morning, we had work in groups. Our task was to make a calendar with photos from mobilities in Italy and Romania. And then we discussed created products and results. After lunch we went to school and had a…
We started the day by going to Vasto. In this city we visited ancient architecture. In “musei Civici di Palazzo d’Avalos” we saw stunning landscape and portrait paintings. These paintings were painted by the same family which members stood out…
We started the day by going to the homestead Di Vaira. This is a biodynamic farm with a succesful story: they managed to develop their buisness from 5ha to 500ha. It’s one of the biggest farms in Europe. We had…
We began the day with getting greetings from local authorities. They introduced us with Montenero history and local businesses. Despite the fact that the weather was rainy and windy, we were succesfully guided through the old town. The day continued…
Although yesterday we had a long journey, we started this day with a lot of energy and positive attitude. After delicious breakfast we went to Instituto Professionale Di Stato Per L’Industrio e Artigianato where we started our Erasmus+ project „Better…
Vasario 25- kovo 2 dienomis Erasmus projektu ,,Better professional life” lankėmės Rumunijos mieste Satu Mare Liceul Teoretic german Johann Ettinger mokykloje vykdydami tarptautinio Erasmus+ projekto ,,Better professional life” numatytas veiklas. Su mumis projekte kartu dalyvavo Italijos, Lenkijos, Turkijos ir Rumunijos…
The last day of our visit, we started it by ending our group works and presenting the idea of our business in front of investor, it was beneficial for us because we had ability to overcome our fears and to…
Our day started from the trip to the Baia Mare where we got to see the beautiful and unique Merry cemetery, which is part of UNESCO heritage. After we paid a visit there, our trip continued with the memorial museum…